Getting There

Elmdale Drive: Take S. Jackson St. to Elmdale Dr. and turn west to take Elmdale into the park. Turn left on Birchwood Dr and the parking lot will be on your right.

Hickory Ave: Take Horton Rd. to W. Hickory Ave and turn north, follwing the road as it runs beside Ella Sharp Golf Course. Follow Hickory across 4th St. and into the park. Take a left on Elmdale and a right onto Birchwood. Parking will be on your right.

Handicap Parking: Handicap Parking is located in the main parking area, near the front. Shuttles are available to assist visitors.

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Handicap Parking

Handicap parking will be available in the main parking lot. Please enter with the general parking population and proceed to the front of the lot. Shuttles are available to assist visitors and guests.

Get Directions

Coming from out of town? Use the map below for interactive directions to the park. Click on Directions to be taken to a site to get directions from your door.

Ella Sharp Park is located on the South side of Jackson.

The address is
2800 4th Street
Jackson, MI 49203

Click on Directions to be taken to a site to get directions from your door.


Parking inside the park is free!