Hot Air Balloon Related

How can I ride in a balloon?

Unfortunately we are unable to offer paid rides at the event. If you would like a balloon ride, our suggestion is that you contact a local balloon pilot for a paid ride during a time other than the Jubilee.

Flight decisions are made a half hour before each flight. The pilots will meet to look at weather conditions and we will post a decision as soon as one is made on our social media and in this app. Please note this could mean we go on a “weather hold” where the conditions are not adequate for a flight but may clear up and we can still get a flight in.

Please note that our number one priority is safety of our spectators, pilots, crews, and equipment. We hate to disappoint anyone, including the pilots who traveled all the way here and WANT to fly, but there’s an old pilot saying that goes “We’d rather be on the ground wishing we were in the air, than in the air and wishing we were on the ground.”


Wind is the most critical weather phenomena that impacts balloon launches. Balloons fly best with wind speeds ranging from 4 to 6 miles per hour. Balloons will never fly in winds higher than 12 mph.


Balloon Pilots operate under FAA VFR conditions. This means they must have a certain amount of visibility to be able to fly (which means NO NIGHT FLYING). Depending on flight location, the visibility must be AT LEAST 1 to 3 miles. There will be NO flying in fog.


Balloons do not launch in the rain. Rain can damage the balloon and decrease visibility.


Fronts come with a change in wind direction or increased wind speeds. If a front will move through during time of flight, the launch must be canceled.


NO thunderstorms within 100 miles of the launch point for a balloon launch to take place. Thunderstorms present hazards to most aircraft, but a balloon would be affected most by this weather condition. A lightning strike to a balloon is an extremely dangerous hazard.

Yes, most flights are a part of our event competition. Pilots will compete in tasks that require them to drop a “baggie” from their basket onto the center of a huge X on the ground. Other fun tasks here in Jackson might include things like a “Splash-n-Dash” where the balloons basket will skim the surface of a body of water, a green pine cone grab where pilots must try through the tree tops and grab a green pine cone while flying, a frisbee toss where pilots try to toss a frisbee onto a pole, or drop rubber ducks into a kiddie pool attached to a moving golf cart.

Targets are identified based on weather conditions but generally we try to place these targets at the launch field at Ella Sharp during morning fly-ins.

For more information on competitive flying, visit here

A night glow is where the balloons are set up at sunset in the launch area and are inflated as if they are going to take off, but instead of being allowed to ascend, they are held down by the ground crew. 

Since the event typically occurs in the dark, the balloons glow like huge light bulbs or Chinese lanterns giving a spectacular display for the audience, usually accompanied by music

Unfortunately no, balloons can only fly during the coolest parts of the day which are typically an hour to two hours after sunrise and/or after sunset. During the middle of the day, when the sun is overhead, the air heats up and becomes too turbulent for the safety of balloons to fly.

Pilots don’t necessarily have a common launch location (like the launch field) for their morning competitive flights. Since we usually attempt to fly INTO the park in the mornings, pilots must go around town and determine their own launch locations that will bring them to the park based on wind directions. 

These launch locations are usually people’s private front yards, supermarket parking lots, or an unused road. Because of this, we ask that if you are out looking for balloon launch locations in the morning, please be considerate of the balloons and their crews. Do NOT block them from leaving these locations and following their balloons. Please also do not block roads or enter private property. Balloon crews get permission for them to be there but NOT for you. Upsetting landowners can quickly put an end to our event and make local ballooning impossible.

Hot Air Balloons use wind currents to steer. Winds are heading in different directions at different altitudes. For more information, check out this video

At the Field

How much are tickets to the Hot Air Jubilee?

Absolutely FREE thanks to our amazing partners

Nothing! Parking is absolutely FREE thanks to our amazing partners

Yes. Portable restrooms can be found near the balloons launch field and across the street by the inflatables.

Yes, there is handicap parking close to the launch field near the car show and vendors

Smoking is NOT ALLOWED anywhere near the launch field.

There will be approximately a dozen food trucks on site but feel free to pack a cooler with non-alcoholic beverages and snacks

Yes! Visit our online store here:

At the Field there are food trucks, inflatables (including human hamster balls), a car show (which includes Monster trucks, steam engines, and model T rides), helicopter rides, Kid’s Kingdom (which has carnival type games for young children), vendors selling merchandise, and our own souvenir tent with HAJ items.

There is also a DJ, beer tent, and the Ella Sharp museum and mini-golf are OPEN during the event.

Hot Air Jubilee is offering public helicopter rides for two days this year! On Friday, July 19th from 4:00 – 9:00 p.m. and Saturday July 20th from 12:00 – 9:00 p.m. on a first come first served basis.

Length of ride: Approximately 5 minutes

Cost: $50 per person, up to 3 riders at a time

Reservations: No, reservations. Tickets are sold on a first come first served basis.

Helicopter Rides

Dogs are welcome at Ella Sharp Park however, many animals react poorly to the loud noise of the hot air balloon burners. We would caution bringing your dog with you to the park with you.

If you do, please keep on your pet on a leash and be respectful around cars and other people’s property.

While alcohol is not allowed,  feel free to bring a cooler with other drinks or snacks. You might also consider a folding/camping chair or picnic blanket to sit on. Shade tents are also allowed as long as they are secured appropriately. Event staff may ask you to take the tent down if improperly secured or in high winds.

Even though the event and parking are completely free, be sure to bring cash or credit for things like food trucks, vendors, helicopter rides, Model T donation rides, and our merchandise tent. Oh, and don’t forget the beer tent too!

Car Show Related

Which day is the "Jeeps at the Jubilee"?

Jeeps at the Jubilee is on Friday evening 5-8pm.


Yes, we encourage you to stay and enjoy the balloon launch and night glow.

Registration is open to all years, makes and models

Yes, not on site but plenty of room at Parkside school across the street.

Registration is FREE

As a part of the car show there are Ford Model T rides, Monster trucks, Hot Wheel races, steam engine rides, and a simulator