Can you figure out what I am and where I'm hiding?

Note: Expand each row if you need assistance figuring out what I am

I'm lighter than air, the size of a basketball, and critical for balloons pilots. Have you seen me?

I’m a pi-ball! A pi-ball is a helium filled party balloon, usually black or dark in color, that pilots use to track the wind directions. You can usually find me just before a balloon launch, just look up!

I’m the flight status flag. You can find me on the edge of the field. Red means the flight is cancelled, yellow means the flight is on hold, and green means it’s a go!

I’m a “No Smoking” sign. You should find me all around the field

I’m a balloon trailer! Some pilots transport their balloon equipment inside a trailer so you might see me on the field.

I’m a Wizard!

Have you seen a Wizard around the field or in the app somewhere?

I’m a flying pig! Have you seen a pig fly during the Hot Air Jubilee?

I’m a lighthouse! Yes a lighthouse! Are you technically “land locked” if you can fly?

Check out Cynthia Seal’s eyes. Yes those are small hot air balloons you see there. How cute is that?!

A helicopter of course! Have you seen me zipping around in the sky above the park?

I’m a penguin! Look for me near but not on the launch field

It’s me, Sugar Bear!

I’m a Jack-o-lantern! 

I’m a wiener dog in a hot dog bun. 

I’m a ghost! Well technically I’m just dressed as a ghost…

I’m a human hamster ball! Have you ever wanted to pretend to be a hamster??

Check out the Souvenir wagon for official HAJ merchandise

I’m the event logo! How many times can you find me around the field?

I’m a mini golf putter!
You can probably find me where you find all the other games

I’m a Model T

I’m the tape blocking off the field. I’m here for everyone’s protection